Replace and install, by yourself, to your car's battery does look trivial, such as replacing the children toys's baterry. But is it so? The answer could be true for old era cars, that were not yet computerized (without ECU).
But then suddenly the head became dizzy plus heart palpitations, dagdigdug, when faced with the latest high-tech car that is fully automated and fully computerized. To replace a car battery as it is, of course, should not be arbitrary, but it took extra caution especially when done by yourself. Remember the fact that ECU is perishable goods/ fragile, the price is super expensive, and often these parts inventory in the factory's authorized repair shop, empty! So the original ECU had to be imported from abroad (not guaranteed still available), and do not forget, it could take months to bring in here (Indonesia). So what gitchu loch?
3 basic knowledge needed when it will replace the battery, by yourself, on computerized car (ECU):
a. Identify and examine the character of the car ECU program.
- ECU Program deleted (RESET) when the battery is removed: can be found on cars made by European countries, such as the Peugeot 206, VW Polo. Guaranteed machines can not be operated or may operate but faltered alias ndut-ndutan, despite a new battery installed still smell the store. The above problem will be completed if the ECU program reinstall. So for this type of car, to replace the new battery is better done by the manufacturer's authorized repair shop. Note: You must pay an additional fee to re-install the computer program of the ECU.
- ECU program is not deleted (NO RESET) when the battery is removed: can be found in Japanese production cars, like the Toyota Soluna, Innova, Altis. For this type of car, the work to replace with new batteries still can be done by yourself, especially in an emergency.
b. Avoid economical logic, just buy a new battery branded/ brand famous for having quality assurance. Although different brands with original battery congenital car (CBU), the new battery Type Code must be equal to the old battery. More steady take a ruler to convince myself that the size of the Length, Width and Height (LxWxH) between old and new batteries are the same, so when the installation is not a new problem arises.
c. Recognizing the signs of the old battery soon broken/ dead. When these signs arise, please do not waste time, spend, instantly buy a new battery and replace the old batteries before facing a big problem. Example: car suddenly can not be started in a mall parking lot, at the time of dispersal mall. Bisa berabe!
Signs of imminent battery is broken / dead:
- Age battery is over 2 years of use (in Indonesia and to use normal load).
- The emergence of a pile of salt crystals that appear recurrent/ recalcitrant, despite being cleaned with a brush and warm water, in the area around the battery poles.
- Shape battery packs already bulging
- The main lighting is not as bright as the first / dingy.
- Wiper moves limp. When turned off can not return to the starting position.
- On start early in the morning, kick starter / crank battery feels underpowered, but the engine can still operate. When these signs appear, then do not waste time, immediately buy a new battery and replace the battery pairs long, because "time of death" battery is very close.
Practiced at Toyota Corolla ALL NEW ALTIS 2008 G (smart entry & keyless starter).
- Make sure the car "key" in a state totally OFF.
- Open and remove the negative connector of the negative pole of the battery with the correct ring spanner. Avoid using a spanner on the nut and bolt head, so as not to wear / damage.
- Open the plastic safety cover from the positive pole, then open and remove the positive connector from the positive pole of the battery with the correct ring spanner.
- Open the bolt and nut fastener battery with the correct ring spanner, then remove the battery carefully from its holder and put it in a safe place.
- Clean the battery holder and surrounding areas with: brush, paint brush and cloth. Do not forget to clean the inside of the positive and negative connectors with a cloth and fine sandpaper.
- Enter and fitting the new battery in the holder. Make sure the battery polarity is in conformity with the position of each connector. DO NOT BACKWARD! Risk ECU broken.
- Plug bolt and nut fastener batteries, tightly, use the correct ring spanner. Check whether the battery is still moving, if so, tighten again until the battery firmly on the holder.
- Plug and tighten the positive connector on the positive pole of the battery with the correct ring spanner. Make sure the installation again, really tight. Attach a plastic safety cover the positive pole.
- Plug and tighten the negative connector on the negative pole of the battery with the correct ring spanner. Make sure the installation again, really tight.
- Initializing the system (ECU program) as in Note (at the bottom).
- If the engine is able to operate and round stationary engine is stable, then check whether all car electrical equipment: lights, air conditioning, tape, wiper etc. also functioning normally.
- Do a road test to make sure the car is not halting way.
- Do a test road a bit further to make sure the car is completely normal functioning again.
- Finish & good luck!
Battery packs should be installed tightly on the holder, given the location of the battery near the engine and wheels. This position is extremely vulnerable to vibration and shock. Imperfect installation cause the battery to move freely everywhere and over time can break the main wiring connector.
Connector main cables, each one should really firmly connected to the battery poles. Fitting a slack lead battery charging is interrupted, while the engine is operating. Battery is guaranteed to always come up short, alias tekor habez!
On the basis of security and safety to the danger of shortage/ short circuit, then the order of release/ installation of main cables should be followed:

To install the battery, the positive connector installed first, then the negative connector installed.
How to initialize the system (ECU program) Altis, as follows:
a. Press the brake pedal with the automatic transmission lever in N code (neutral) position .
b. Open and then close the door anywhere.
c. Turn on the machine. (If the machine is not yet operate? repeat steps a, b and c).
b. Open and then close the door anywhere.
c. Turn on the machine. (If the machine is not yet operate? repeat steps a, b and c).
Good Luck & Peace!
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